Happy Fall Y’all
By marce linebarger
In Fall
Oct 11th, 2015
There is something about fall. I love it so much. There is a crispness in the air that brings me such joy. It’s hot today in Texas, but it’s different. There is a wind that is cool and hopeful. Ah fall. Tonight, the hubby and I sat outside with this lovely fire. We talked, we dreamed, we reminisced, we sat by the fire. I would say it was a phenomenal time. Yesterday, we celebrated 11 years of marriage. Today, we look toward a lifetime of fireside chats. Together. Me and my best friend. Life is good. God is good. Yes, there is something about fall.
Look at you writing on your blog! This makes me happy. Happy anniversary to two of my favorite people in this world. And happy fall to y’all too.
Thanks for stopping by, Sissy! Yes, it’s been a year and a half since my last post, but oh well! Thank you for the well wishes. I miss you something fierce.
Bra innlegg. Dumt det skal være sÃ¥ vanskelig Ã¥ fks spørre: “hvorfor har du sÃ¥ vondt i magen hos bestefar”. Det værste er ikke Ã¥ spørre, men Ã¥ ikke vite.. Er jo tross alt barnet man skal ta hansyn til og hjelpe..