I Love Dallas!
I Love Dallas.
For a while now, I have endured people’s negative comments about Dallas whilst keeping my mouth shut. You know who you are. Well, no more! These are the same people who come here, mostly for education purposes, voluntarily mind you, but whine about the heat, nothing to do, etc. And if they were born here, they have chosen to stick around for whatever reason. It’s your choice, people! They bash Dallas on Facebook, they bash Dallas in conversation. Well I am here to say I have had enough. I love Dallas. Period. I was born here, raised here, went to college here, met my love here, got married here, birthed my children here, and am now raising them here. My dad was born here, as were his 8 brothers and sisters. My mother moved here when she was little and my parents met in a high school in Oak Cliff. JFK waved at my dad, then in 5th grade, from a few feet away right before he met his end. My family has a rich history set in Dallas.
In case you are wondering if I have ever been anywhere else, rest assured that I have traveled to very exotic places, gone to language school and have lived in different cultures. I have gotten to experience so much in my 36 years, and do you know what? I still love where I am from. I know that not all of you reading this have been negative about my city, and to you I would like to say thank you. Thank you for either keeping your mouth shut or, even better, for enjoying this great city. Yes, it gets hot. Swelteringly. Is it miserable? Yes. I have been very pregnant twice now in the hottest part of the summer, and let me tell you, it was no picnic. Is it hot sometimes when it “should” be cooler? Yes. But Dallas is a rebel. She does not like having expectations placed upon her. If you tell her she needs to be cold on December 1st, she’ll get ya. If you tell her to be warm on March 22nd, why she’ll throw an ice storm your way. She and I have a lot in common.
I do not work for the Dallas Chamber of Commerce, but I would like to show you some pics of last night when Matt and I went on a date. The Arts District had a Block Party and it was so fun! Live music, all the museums were free (and heavily air-conditioned), food trucks, and a great atmosphere.
For those of you who have never visited Dallas, come on down. We would love to show you a good time. For those of you who do not like Dallas, I urge you to give her another chance. There have been a lot of great things added recently. For those of you who continue to bad-mouth Dallas, we might need to have a chat.
This is great! Because I attend a school in FW, many friends and acquaintances bash on Dallas. They share postings about being insulted when people mesh Dallas and Fort Worth together in conversations.I’ve even gotten onto my significant other about this.
AP, I’ve gotten on to my significant other, too. Thanks for sharing!
love “hearing” your voice again by reading this… miss you!
Joe! So great to hear from you! I miss you too, sweet lady. Thanks for reading!
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Plnseiag to find someone who can think like that
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if you were a legend and some new chick was copying you …not just once, but repetitively throughout her career for some years …you would have to snap. and she wasnt even rude she just said what everyone thought. which is true.you are silly if you lost 70% of respect for madonna because of ONE interview, you dont know how she feels.madonna is a legend and no one will live up to her, dont watch her old interviews and leave negative comments like that.
I love this post! And can relate 🙂 What I remember about Dallas (aside from my wonderful family being there) is y’all always had the new “cooler” music on the radio way before we did in Austin lol. But yes, it gets annoying to keep hearing complaints about the place you were raised and have made so many special memories especially from people who continue to reside there. Austin passed a plastic bag ban back in March and the level of “I hate this city” has increased beyond belief…yet they’re still here. Go figure 😀
Noemi, it’s funny you remember the music stuff about Dallas and now Austin is such a cutting edge music city. I hadn’t heard about the plastic bag ban there. Seems like a great idea. I guess people just like to complain. And I am not exempt from that. I whine about lots of things!
Oh, you know I am with you, sis.
I thought about you a lot as I wrote this one, sugar.
dude i went through … dude i went through the same thing as you, im the same age as you, but im 165 lb atm, and can bench 225 and squat 315, i reccomend doing football for a more physical upgrade, the way they work you and the eat everything diet causes you to get big fast. Was this answer helpful?
Phonemenal breakdown of the topic, you should write for me too!
“AKA’s don’t even pledge! Osama Bin Ladden is not dead!” lmbo!! These outbursts were back to back.. Hahah idk how they relate though.|CrimsonToSnow|
This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any arietlcs on rehab?